Name Battambang (BB1) Establishment 2014.12 Location Battambang city, 185 km west of CTEP Center. Service area Battambang is the capital city of Battambang province in northwestern Cambodia. The city has a population of 200,000. BB1 serves 5 villages of 8,037 people in suburban area. Classes Computer : Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Students There are 3 primary schools and 1 high school nearby, but most of BB1 students are university students. BB1 has completed 14 terms with 1408 students enrolled and 1111 graduated. Currently, 118 students in 8 computer classes are studying in the 15th term. Teachers Lin La : Computer Background Information BB1 is located inside a church. Catholic sisters manage the learning center with support from CTEP. Since Battambang neighbors Thailand, many people in the province migrate to work in Thailand.