Midterms exam


Name Doun Sva (DS) Establishment 2015.8 Location a primary school, 53 km west of CTEP Center in Siem Reap Province. Service Area 4 villages, 2964 population, 3 primary schools, 1 high school Classes English : Basic and Advanced Students 12 terms completed with 2542 students enrolled and 1710 graduated Teachers Ye Sea: English Background Information The primary school building was donated by an American Foundation. The school principal helps enroll students and supervises the teachers. DS used to have both computer and English classes. In 2018, CTEP started a computer class in a high school (AC) nearby and discontinued the computer courses in DS. 
Name APS Establishment 2015.12 Location a primary school in Battambang province, 195 km from CTEP Center. Service Area 5 villages, 5072 population, 3 primary schools, 1 high school Classes English : Basic and Advanced Students 9 terms completed with 1129 students enrolled and 487 graduated 10 th term : 138 in 6 English classes Teachers Roeum Sokren: English Background Information APS was originally set up in a Catholic church. In 2016, it moved to a primary school where there are more students. CTEP sends senior teachers to supervise and help with teaching on a regular basis. Due to electricity shortage, there is no computer class yet. Computer teacher will be hired when the electricity supply is stable in this remote learning center

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