Posted by : Khmerpcknowledge
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Name Hun Sen Balang High School (HSB) Establishment 2018.11
Location Kampong Thom Province, 146 km south of CTEP Center.
Service Area
Kampong Thom Province has a population of 795,615 with 59,044 in the Province’s
capital city. There are 6 primary schools, 4 secondary schools and 25 villages near
Classes Computer : Word, Excel, PowerPoint
HSB has 1300 students in years 7-12 and a total of 13 computer classes. Each student
spends two hours a week in the computer class.
Term 1 completed with 518 students enrolled and 453 passed
Term 2 : 586 students are studying
Teachers Mr. Neak Vasokrey
Kampong Thom is an agricultural province. Most young people leave home for jobs in
Phnom Penh and Thailand. The local government is endeavoring to attract manufacturing and service companies to the province and therefore needs more well-educated people. CTEP not only set up computer classes but also support the school’s
sewing classes.
Name Kien Sangke High School (KS) Establishment 2018.11
Location Siem Reap Province, 37 km east of CTEP Center.
Service Area
KS is in Kien Sangke commune where there are 11,474 population in 14 villages and 4
primary schools.
Classes Computer : Word, Excel, PowerPoint
KS has 845 students in years 7-12. Each student spends one hour per week in one of
the school’s 7 computer classes.
Term 1 completed with 212 students enrolled and 186 passed
Term 2 : 284 students are studying
Teachers Mr. Kong Phanit
The school is located in a village not far away from Angkor Wat, the world famous
Heritage Site. Most villagers are farmers who, in addition to farming, take seasonal
jobs in tourism to support their daily life. CTEP’s computer education helps farmers’
children access to digital resources.